The Starship Cat is a science fiction and fantasy merchant based in Indianapolis, Indiana. We sell t-shirts and costuming supplies, books, toys and collectibles, as well as Japanese and American snacks. We have over 6000 book titles in stock, ranging from popular current titles to rare and obscure volumes from now-vanished publishers.
We are back on eBay! We have traditional dolls and other interesting things

We sell at a number of science fiction and fantasy related events throughout the year, including anime and furry conventions, Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) events, and metaphysical events. In addition, we have steampunk watches and other items available for sale online.

Because our stock changes constantly, be sure to subscribe to our mailing list so that we can let you know when we have added new stock.

You can now order books directly from us.
Because of changes in the online market for used books, we are now selling directly on our website instead of via a third-party platform such as Alibis, Amazon.com or eBay. Just download our current book list and follow the directions.
Last updated June 5, 2021.